We are all well aware of the havoc and chaos of the past several months because of the pandemic...
Planned Parenthood Deserves to Be Recognized as Racist
This week, a coalition of black leaders, including Dr. Alveda King, sent a letter to Planned...
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
Does the news today make you mad? It should. What I’m talking about here is a righteous anger. Our...
People Are Never Expendable
When a lie is repeated often enough, people believe it. And when kids grow up with that lie, they...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Why does American Life League use the phrase...
We know through science and faith that every human being is created in the image and likeness of...
REVIEW: This Is Your Brain on Birth Control
The subtitle of this book, “The surprising science of women, hormones, and the law of unintended...
5 Ways to Celebrate the Assumption
In 1950, Pope Pius XII wrote Munificentissimus Deus—an apostolic constitution that defined the...
Never Fear
The gospel reading for this weekend tells the story of Jesus walking on water toward the Apostles...
I’m Less Valuable Because of an Illness?
How does society determine “quality of life”? Reading the news today, we see the term bandied about...
‘Forgiveness. Can You Imagine?’
Like thousands of people, I’ve been singing the music from Hamilton for weeks. One of the most...