American Life League recently received a lovely prayer from Dr. Antun Lisec of Croatia. It is a...
What then?
Today, we had a meeting about American Life League’s 100% pro-life stance in preparation for our...
Sometimes I hate being right
Last year, I wrote a blog entitled “One thing Planned Parenthood donors prove” to point out how...
Scary Karaoke
Mike Allen chatted with Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and...
Planned Parenthood Facilities Report shows ongoing decline
This week, American Life League (ALL) released its annual Planned Parenthood Facilities Report...
Three birdbrained tweets
If you want to view some social media content filled with half-truths, quarter-truths, or no truth...
Last call for submitting a pro-life essay
American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program has partnered with the Institute for...
Al Franken, fighting for “reproductive rights” and...
Then-comedian, now-senator Al Franken violated Leeann Tweeden in December of 2006, forcing himself...
A picture paints a thousand words
Pictures of aborted children—“abortion victim photos,” as Dr. Monica Miller calls them—tell the...
Silenced by simple questions
About a month ago, one of our Twitter followers was debating with an OB/Gyn who commits abortions...