In 1973, at age 33, I was happily married and had three young children, but we wanted to wait a...
Medicine & Science
Visions of Countess Bathory: Bathing in blood for beauty
In the early 1600s, Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bathory was convicted for the killing and torture...
One less ‘YES’ for Gardasil
One less ‘YES’ for Gardasil In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved...
Understanding stem cell science
Stem cell banking: Fact, folly or fiction? Hardly a day goes by without a new revelation in stem...
Cord blood donation: The moral way to amazing cures
Tension welled as my grandfather fought through his final months with Parkinson’s disease in 2007...
A new kind of pharmacy
Catholic and other pro-life medical professionals are working in an ethical minefield today. Common...
Battling tainted vaccines: Children of God for Life
With increasing frequency, the culture of death retches up new ethical nightmares. In addition to...
Facing the fears of an adverse prenatal diagnosis
They were expecting a routine ultrasound at 19 weeks of pregnancy. Mary and Don Kellett were not...
Humans dying for life: A personal stem cell crusade
Eleven years ago, I fell asleep while driving to meet my wife and take her to our new home in...
Organ donation: The grim harvest
You’ve probably heard a lot of publicity for organ donor programs that urge us to give “the gift of...