Many Catholics have, themselves, had abortions. They suffer from self-loathing, and deep down, they...
A Weapon That Satan Despises
These are tumultuous—and often violent and disturbing—times. We look around and often cannot...
Satan Walks Among Us
Evil is real. Make no mistake. The devil does exist. He’s crafty, he’s a liar, and he’s insidious...
Caving to the ‘Woke Mob’
What do a God-fearing career woman with seven children, an organization for girls, and a sorority...
May He Sheath His Sword Once More
Sitting atop the fortress Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome is a beautiful statue of St. Michael the...
A friend of mine recently found an abandoned newborn kitten. Feeling compassion for the tiny thing...
Blessed Is He
Take a break from the debates, from the pandemic, and from racial tensions tomorrow to honor and...
Protect at All Costs or Destroy at All Costs?
Fear is a terrible thing to live with. For several months now, we’ve been living with the fear that...
Why Are Pro-Aborts Afraid of Babies?
Preborn babies are tiny and defenseless. When their life begins, they’re just the size of a small...
Bishop Stika Tweets the Truth
Bishop Richard Stika, of the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee, tweeted recently: How can a person...