Well, as is the case with most cultural excuses for sin, the term reproductive rights is a...
REVIEW Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a...
If I had to give Lila Rose’s new book a different name, I would call it Dare. In subtle ways...
A Novena for the Protection of Preborn Babies
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15 is nearly upon us. As we think about our...
‘Roe v. Wade’ Movie Shows the Reality of Abortion
After hearing actor and director Nick Loeb and pro-life activist and speaker Alveda King talk about...
‘Marie Claire’ Author Wants to See More Abortions on...
“We need to see more parents having abortions in film and television.” Hopefully those words—the...
Yes, Your Life Has Value!
On July 1, a young man—just 20 years old—was riding Chicago’s elevated train home from an...
Mistaken Diagnosis Leads to Abortion
The disturbing headline reads: “Baby Killed in Abortion after Doctor Mistakenly Told Couple Their...
Leadership in Troubled Times
This weekend, as our nation celebrates its freedom, let us not forget the debt of gratitude we owe...
Catholics for Choice Is Not Catholic
“Help us challenge and dismantle religiously-based barriers to safe, legal and comprehensive...
The Beauty of the Word ‘Dad’
The term “dad” has a comforting familiarity to it. A closeness. A peacefulness. Fr. Mike Schmitz’s...