Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: What’s the difference between “therapeutic cloning” and “reproductive cloning”? If it’s therapeutic, doesn’t that mean it’s a good thing? October 1, 2013 2013 Fall
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: My daughter, now in her 30s and still single, wants to have her eggs frozen so she can have children later, if she gets married. As a Catholic, what should I tell her? July 1, 2013 2013 Summer
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: I’ve heard that iPS research is an ethical alternative to embryonic stem cell research. Is this true? April 1, 2013 2013 Spring
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: Everybody knows that the morning-after pill [also known as “emergency contraception”] doesn’t cause abortion, so why are you deceiving us by claiming that it does? January 1, 2013 2013 Winter
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: What does the Catholic Church teach about artificial procreation techniques, such as in vitro fertilization? November 1, 2012 2012 Nov - Dec
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: For whom should I vote in the November 2012 election? September 1, 2012 2012 Sep - Oct
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: What’s in a word? Plenty! By using certain widely accepted terms and phrases, we unwittingly advance the war on the innocent human person. July 1, 2012 2012 Jul - Aug
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: In the rare case when pre-eclampsia seriously threatens a mother’s life, her baby is too undeveloped to survive outside the womb, and the only way to save one of the two lives is to directly May 1, 2012 2012 May-Jun
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: Why do you suggest that support for the notion of “brain death” helps the organ transplant industry, and why should the public be wary of it? March 1, 2012 2012 Mar - Apr
Uncategorized PRO-LIFE BASICS: What documents would you recommend that Catholics read to educate themselves on the Church’s teachings concerning the sanctity of life? January 1, 2012 2012 Jan - Feb