Growing up in California, Patricia Sandoval felt like she had the perfect parents—united and loving...
Pro-Life Champions
Humility unites us
“‘God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.’ So humble yourselves under the mighty...
Ben Stein: An apostle of life
To be outspoken in defending life requires courage as well as common sense. Ben Stein not only has...
Precious Feet: A legacy of love
On June 4, 2019, nearly 50 years after pulling tiny, perfectly formed bodies of aborted babies from...
A Modern Sarah
She arrived at our front door holding only a few trash bags filled with her clothes and toiletries...
Q & A with Abby Johnson: Former Planned Parenthood director...
Little by little, Planned Parenthood indoctrinated Abby Johnson, and she rose through the ranks...
A miracle of hope—a pro-life pregnancy center is born
The building has a modern look, with tall windows that lend a celestial feel to the exam room on...
Paul Brown—husband, father, grandfather, pro-life hero
In late March of this year, when I decided to write this article about my husband, I had no idea...
A pro-life GIANT
Wellington Timothy Mara was born in Rochester, New York, on August 14, 1916, the youngest son of...
Crisis Pregnancy Center defeats Planned Parenthood
The largest crisis pregnancy center in the nation is located in an unlikely place. Terre Haute...