“The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.” ...
End of Life
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Death Tourism: Fake Choices and...
Over the last few years, the United States has seen a significant increase in the number of states...
Caring for the Elderly as Christ Would
Sooner or later, we’re all likely to face the decision of how to care for an elderly family member...
The Dangers of Organ Donation
Heidi Klessig, MD, and Christopher W. Bogosh, RN-BC, wrote Harvesting Organs & Cherishing Life:...
Don’t Forget the Seniors
Alice sat at an empty table, playing cards by herself. A wispy fringe of gray hair curled around...
My Look at Dementia through Love’s Eyes
“Your dad used iced tea to mop the floor.” “What, Mom?” “His dementia’s back.” My mom’s revelation...
Nursing Homes in Crisis: The COVID-19 Pandemic Calls for a...
Nursing homes are intended to provide a haven of safety and care. But as the COVID-19 pandemic...
Palliative Care: A Pathway to Imposed Death
On December 12, 2019, a dangerous bill was halted in the US Senate Committee on Health, Education...
Brain death: Part two
In 1968, the Harvard Committee cleverly manipulated the term “death” to include people who were...
Brain death: Part one
The concept of “brain death” reached its 50th anniversary in August 2018. Despite its apparent...