My son-in-law’s 80-year-old grandfather had a severe stroke.The doctors say half his brain is dead...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: How should I talk to my “pro-choice” friends...
At American Life League, we are frequently asked this question. Recently, it inspired a good...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Why doesn’t American Life League simply say...
First of all, we know that some human beings’ lives begin in the fallopian tube, while some begin...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: I understand fully what you have against...
I understand fully what you have against abortion, but the pill? That is what keeps abortions from...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Does the preborn child have his or her own DNA...
Dr. Jerome Lejeune spent his career as a scientist studying human chromosomes, and it was he who...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Is it ethical to promote the adoption of frozen...
The Vatican says no! As the Church teaches in Donum Vitae, every child has the right “to be...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Protecting Christ in the Eucharist from scandal
Why does Senator [now Vice Presidentelect] Biden get away with causing scandal to the Church [by...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Do pro-lifers need to be concerned about the...
John Wilks submitted this comment in response to American Life League president Judie Brown’s daily...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Criminal penalties for abortion?
A problem we must eventually address is the criminal penalties to impose for abortion.This evil...
REVIEW: My Child, My Gift: A Positive Response to Serious...
“Love, not intelligence, makes us human.” This simple phrase encompasses the author’s...