
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Why does American Life League say that the practice of surrogate motherhood is fraught with problems?

Let’s examine the facts and see what it is that makes surrogate motherhood a violation of God’s will.

  1. The process requires one woman, who is usually paid for the rental of her womb, to offer her womb for the purpose of carrying a preborn child who is actually the child of another couple.
  2. Engaging the services of a surrogate mother entails treating her womb as a container, a resting place that can be acquired for any number of reasons, including, sadly, some that are exceedingly selfish.
  3. As a result, the preborn child himself is dehumanized and treated more like a product than like a gift to be cherished by his parents.
  4. A human being’s life comes directly from the loving act of God, the Father and Creator of every person. Thus, every individual is sacred, and deserves to be created and allowed to mature in the womb of his natural mother, which is God’s plan and in accordance with His law.
  5. While it is sad indeed that a couple is diagnosed as being infertile, it is impossible for us to understand the reason why God has allowed this couple to experience infertility at this particular time. We cannot know His will for them. Therefore, we should not presume to know more than God does, which is one of the sins we commit by offering “solutions” that violate His law.
  6. By using processes such as in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood, man says no to God. Man behaves as the one in charge of creating human beings and as if he also has the authority to discard

human beings shortly after their lives begin. These acts of arrogance violate not only God’s law but the natural law as well. Monsignor Charles Pope explains:

Even without mentioning God, [it] is clear that nature provides that children are conceived in the heterosexual embrace of sexual intercourse. Further, nature also shows that it is best for children to be raised in a stable environment and be raised with a male and female influence. Further, nature also demonstrates that the natural affections created by physical descent are stronger than merely legal or secondary relationships. Tampering with the normal course of families, and what nature provides as the best and most healthy environment to conceive and bear children, is a recipe for trouble. (“Why the Church Opposes Surrogate Motherhood and Attempts to Legalize It in the District of Columbia,” Archdiocese of Washington, June 19, 2013, Blog.ADW.org)

Interfering with the natural order and imposing science as the ultimate god can only lead to sadness, dysfunctional families, and a preponderance of evil— much of which is already in our midst. When man plays God, man loses.

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Judie Brown

Judie Brown is president of American Life League and served 15 years as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.