As I sit here on this Father’s Day in the autumn of my life, I cannot help but look back...
A Father’s Cry
Interracial relationships are the norm today, but in our small town in the late 1980s, it was still...
What Would You Say If a Mother Told You She Wanted an Abortion?
As we continue to thank God that abortion is now illegal in many states, our prayers and actions...
Hard Cases and Abortion
In an effort to win support for legalized abortion, its advocates will point to the hard cases. The...
Abortion and Women’s Health in Developing Countries: Does...
Around the world, abortion continues to be a leading cause of maternal death. Each year, around...
There Is Still Time: Reversing the Abortion Pill
“I felt like I did the wrong thing,” Ashley said. “Is there any way I can take this back? . . . I...
His Name Is Samuel
Are my life circumstances important? Do the reasons for what I did matter? I made a legal choice to...
Perhaps There’s Hope
The events of the last two years have brought many challenges and hardships to the people in our...
An American Hypocrisy Story
You’ve likely seen the image of a pregnant Ukrainian woman carried out on a stretcher from a bombed...
Decriminalized Abortion Is Rooted in Sin
Sin is among the least frequently used words today when discussing abortion, contraception, or...