We’ve all heard the phrase “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Today it seems that the line between...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: How can I help people understand the ravages of...
If we recall the scene of Christ being scourged at the pillar prior to His crucifixion, we can...
REVIEW: Unexpected Choice—An Abortion Doctor’s Journey to Pro...
Every abortionist needs spiritual intervention. Without it, we cannot expect the physicians who...
Celebrate Mothers This Weekend and Every Day
There is so much irony surrounding the word “choice.” As we draw nearer and nearer to Mother’s Day...
We Need the Rosary Now More Than Ever
“Let’s do the Rosary together. And stay prayed up. You gotta stay prayed up.” Mark Wahlberg posted...
Woman Dies Via Assisted Suicide in Church
The story is reminiscent of one of the final scenes in the dystopian book The Giver by Lois Lowry...
Drive Out the Thieves
Fr. Mike Schmitz once said, “There’s no greater life that can possibly be lived than the life as a...
A Palm Sunday People
On the next day, when the great crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to...
Antinatalist Group Tells People to ‘Stop Having Kids’
“Stop having kids!” That’s the message from the antinatalist group aptly named Stop Having Kids...
The True Meaning of a Deep Catholic Faith
Nancy Pelosi recently said of Joe Biden: “He understands the dignity and worth of all people...