
Argentina’s New Abortion Law: A Tragic Day for Millions

It’s a sad day in Argentina today, as the country legalizes abortion up to 14 weeks for any reason.

Women in the streets cheered when they heard the news. One woman in tears said:

This is not a question of morals. It is not a question of ethics. It is a question of health. And, therefore, thousands of lives will be saved.

Saved? Millions of lives will be snuffed out.

This terrible travesty of justice for tiny preborn babies is indeed a question of morals. It is indeed a question of ethics. Abortion is murder. And murder is evil.

Abortion is never healthcare.

Yet the dancing and screaming women in the streets can only think about one thing: the new “right” to kill their babies.

What a sad, sad day.

And this sad day culminates a very difficult year. The pandemic, loneliness, job loss, riots, anger, hatred, and violence have filled the news. But none of these things will slow down the culture of death. It continues to come in many forms: Argentina’s new law, the promise of more money for Planned Parenthood, and a new Massachusetts law that allows abortions until birth and that allows some minors to get an abortion without a parent’s consent. Tragically, those stories only scratch the pro-death surface.

As we head toward a new year, hoping desperately to sweep images of the past year away, let us not forget the image of Argentinian women cheering for the chance to kill their babies. As difficult as this footage is to watch, we must use it to spur us to action.

Satan is hard at work. So we must be as well.

We know that we have God on our side. He has told us so many times, including in Joshua, “I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.”

He is indeed with us, but we must take responsibility. We must work to combat the culture of death every day, or we will wake up one day to realize that our freedoms have been taken and our children’s minds poisoned.

If we don’t teach our children morality and the truths of the faith, how will they know? If we don’t teach them the sanctity of all human beings—from creation until death—then they may become one of those cheering women in the streets, wrongly asserting that killing babies will save lives.

We live in a broken world. We live in a world where our religious freedoms may soon be in jeopardy. Now is the time that we must stand strong and be like the Apostles. The Holy Spirit breathed life and courage into them so that they could go out and proclaim the truth. At our confirmation, He did the same with us. We must have the courage to proclaim the sanctity of life. We must have the courage to stand up for all people. And we must do it all with love.

So, as we ponder which resolutions to make for this coming year, we should take time to make some pro-life resolutions as well. How can we use our talents to effect change in our families and in our communities? What can we do to make a difference? The Culture of Life Studies Program has several ideas for ways we can all make an impact alone or with our families. Let us resolve to do something to combat those who scream for death.

Now is our time to rise up. The women in Argentina and the women in America who believe abortion is a “right” have made their voices heard loud and clear. We, too, must make our voices heard. God always stands with us. Make this coming year the year we stand with Him.

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About the author

Susan Ciancio

Susan Ciancio is the editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and executive editor for the Culture of Life Studies Program.