My mom had a severe stroke. She is paralyzed and on a feeding tube because she can’t swallow. She...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: A lot of people think that the diagnosis of...
If a patient’s body is healing, he isn’t dead because healing occurs only in the living...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: How should I talk to a pro-abortion politician?
During an election campaign, many politicians will say almost anything to convince the electorate...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: What should I say to friends who insist on all...
This culture has been bloated with the idea that using some form of hormonal birth control is an...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: What’s wrong with using a condom?
I am often asked what one can say to a person who insists that condom use is a good thing. Even if...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: What’s all the fuss about EC?
For the last couple of years, Planned Parenthood and many like-minded groups have been pushing for...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Does in vitro fertilization violate human...
Science and technology have made enormous contributions to our lives and society. But because a...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: What about abortion when pregnancy is the...
All too often, we hear proposals for “pro-life legislation” where babies could be protected—but not...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Do people who are suffering or disabled have a...
The global euthanasia movement contends that “self-determination” is a “right.” In other words...
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Has the pro-life movement forgotten its...
Today, many pro-lifers are told to be ‘politically realistic’ when it comes to promoting the...