“We need to see more parents having abortions in film and television.” Hopefully those words—the...
Author - Susan Ciancio
Yes, Your Life Has Value!
On July 1, a young man—just 20 years old—was riding Chicago’s elevated train home from an...
Mistaken Diagnosis Leads to Abortion
The disturbing headline reads: “Baby Killed in Abortion after Doctor Mistakenly Told Couple Their...
Leadership in Troubled Times
This weekend, as our nation celebrates its freedom, let us not forget the debt of gratitude we owe...
Catholics for Choice Is Not Catholic
“Help us challenge and dismantle religiously-based barriers to safe, legal and comprehensive...
The Beauty of the Word ‘Dad’
The term “dad” has a comforting familiarity to it. A closeness. A peacefulness. Fr. Mike Schmitz’s...
A Tale of Two Valedictorians
The end of the school year means summer fun and graduations. And, naturally, with graduations come...
They Were Martyred for Christ; What Will You Do?
One by one they were martyred. And not pleasant or quick deaths. Painful deaths. For Christ. Church...
Stand for the Military; Take a Knee for Christ
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day. It is a day to remember the men and women who gave, as...
Reason, Healthcare, and Dead Babies
When reading or watching the news today, one must do so with a discerning mind and eyes. Why...