“Do everything with joy!” A young Italian wife and mother named Maria Cristina Cella Mocellin wrote...
Author - Susan Ciancio
Inspiration from the Man in an Iron Lung
The human will is a spectacular thing. I was reminded of this recently as I watched a YouTube video...
Biden Administration Sues Texas
A Catholic News Agency headline reads: “Biden Administration Sues Texas Over Pro-Life Law.” The...
Absurd Comparison Likens Christians to Taliban
Whatever increases ratings and gets people to read or watch the news seems to be the modus operandi...
The Heartbreaking Reality of Elder Abuse
Last week, I wrote about the proposal of an implant that would trigger the release of a lethal drug...
Proposed Implant Would Deliberately Kill Dementia Patients
My maternal grandmother was a sweet, petite woman who had the kindest disposition and who radiated...
How Do We See More Than Darkness?
When Paul told the story of his conversion, he recounted the words of God: “I have appeared to you...
The Catholic Guy: Building Faith through Humor
“Hellooo Catholics! And everyone else!” is the greeting that draws every listener in and brings a...
A Novena for the Protection of Preborn Babies
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15 is nearly upon us. As we think about our...
‘Roe v. Wade’ Movie Shows the Reality of Abortion
After hearing actor and director Nick Loeb and pro-life activist and speaker Alveda King talk about...