
PRO-LIFE BASICS: Where is the love in your pro-life work?

At a Christian festival I attended earlier this summer, this question was asked of Rock for Life. At first I was shocked and unable to respond. Sarcastically, I thought: “Where was the love as I stood with my ‘abortion is homicide’ sign, while surrounded by an angry mob of pro-abortion people, fearful for my life, during the so-called ‘March for Women’s Lives’? Where was the love as I cried for the mothers being escorted to an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., as I stood praying for them?” I didn’t see any love at all.

So, where is the love?

John 3:16 says,“For God so
loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that
whosoever believes in Him shall
not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ showed His love for us on the cross, and we are commanded by Him to “love each other as we love ourselves.”

Would I want nightmares, blood clots, hemorrhaging, infection, a cut or torn cervix, and even death for myself? And would I want this for others? No! Love wants the very best for others. Is abortion ever love? No!

Now,“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-2). If with my mouth I speak of love but sit back and do nothing as 3,500 abortions are performed each day, then what does that say about me? Love compelled me to fear no accusations of this world, so that I might save babies from being robbed of their right to life.

As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we cannot stand by and speak of love without doing something to teach the truth—the reality—of what abortion does to a child. We cannot fail to stand up because we simply don’t want to offend the world with the message, “abortion is homicide.”

Abortion ends the precious gift of life that God has given to each mother to care and cherish. I feel that, because of love, you and I have an obligation to seek out the lost sheep
who have gone
astray. Because of love, we must not stand around while our generation is slaughtered by abortion.The
truth about abortion must be boldly proclaimed, no matter how harsh it may be.The truth cannot be compromised! And the truth will set the captives free! That, my friend, is love.

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About the author

Mickey Inthavongdy

Mickey Inthavongdy is the former youth affiliate coordinator of Rock for Life and American Life League's youth department.