
Planned Parenthood’s Existence Comes at a Heavy Cost to Society

Planned Parenthood is deadly for babies, harmful for moms, detrimental to our society, and now we see that, unless you are one of its CEOs, it’s not a great place to work either.

A February 2025 New York Times article pointed out what we in the pro-life movement have been saying for years. Words that fell mostly on deaf ears.

According to the article:

A New York Times review of clinic documents and legal filings, as well as interviews with more than 50 current and former Planned Parenthood executives, consultants and medical staff members, found that some clinics are so short of cash that care has suffered. Many operate with aging equipment and poorly trained staff, as turnover has increased because of rock-bottom salaries.

The article then goes on to discuss a list of other problems, including a woman who had a birth control device improperly implanted in her arm and that caused nerve damage, a facility that allowed backed-up sewage to seep into a recovery room for two days, and an understaffed facility that failed to upload important information about STD testing, leading to patients believing they were negative.

As if all that were not bad enough, the article then stated that “clinic workers complained that they were learning from inexperienced peers” and that “more than a dozen said they did not receive adequate training for patient intake, blood draws and other tasks.”

We would never tolerate any of this at a regular doctor’s office, so why would we allow this to happen at Planned Parenthood and still tell our country it “needs” this organization?

There are over 2,700 pregnancy help centers throughout the US that offer much of the same services that PP does, with the exception of abortion. These are the places our government should fund. These are the places that truly care about women and their children.

We see time and again that Planned Parenthood cares only about money and about abortion. Sadly, the NYT article also said that “salaries are so low that it is not unusual for staff members to qualify for Medicaid and federal food assistance.”

However, on the flip side it stated, “Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Planned Parenthood has enjoyed a fundraising boom, with $498 million in donations that year. But little of it goes to the state affiliates to provide health care at clinics. Instead, under the national bylaws, the majority of the money is spent on the legal and political fight to maintain abortion rights.”

And there you have it. Patient care has declined so that Planned Parenthood can attempt to change the world by killing baby after baby and preaching that it’s a “right.”

Yet it’s clear that Planned Parenthood CEOs suffer none of this financial stress that facility workers face, as they are some of the highest-paid CEOs in the country. American Life League has conducted extensive research on PP’s CEO salaries, and in our 2023 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation we found that the “average compensation for a CEO at Planned Parenthood rose from $237,999 in 2015 to $317,564 in 2020.” Further, “The lowest compensation for a Planned Parenthood CEO was $124,045” and the “highest compensation for a Planned Parenthood CEO was $616,926, putting her in the 99th percentile of US earners.”

While the rest of the country is suffering because of inadequate incomes and rising food and housing costs, Planned Parenthood’s CEO salaries have only increased. In a few weeks, we will release our 2025 CEO report that shows just how much they have increased. Spoiler: It’s substantial.  

So yes, we absolutely must defund Planned Parenthood. Our tax dollars should never fund the murder of preborn children and the harming of mothers or other women.

But we have to look at the bigger picture of why and how we came to where we are and why people are so intent on funding Planned Parenthood in the first place. And that is because people cannot and will not see the humanity of the preborn baby. It comes down to apathy, ignorance, and selfishness, and when combined, this results in a terrible concoction that breeds hatred—hatred for the preborn and hatred for anyone who stands up for them.

Over the last few decades, our culture and even our language have shifted—and not for the better. It now dehumanizes the preborn baby by calling that child an “it” or by speaking disparagingly of him. But this was not the case thirty or more years ago, and you can see this if you watch TV shows of the time, even those that don’t necessarily illustrate morality. For instance, on one episode of Seinfeld, George believes his girlfriend is pregnant, and he rejoices. One of the first things he yells is “I’m a father!” We see the same respect for preborn babies in an old episode of Law and Order, where the prosecuting attorneys were talking about a pregnant woman and about the need to take care of her baby. Yes, they called the child a baby. Not a fetus. Not a thing. Not a burden.

These were not just anomalies. You can see evidence of this attitude in many episodes of these shows and in many different shows. So what happened?

Well, social media, for one. The anonymity it provides is the ultimate dehumanization. When people don’t see themselves or the person on the receiving end of a comment as a human being, how on earth can they see a preborn child as a human being?

So the foundation began to crack, and anger, hatred, and divisiveness began to seep in. And organizations like Planned Parenthood not only took advantage of this but fueled the proverbial fire.

These emotions now have a stranglehold on our culture, and Planned Parenthood gleefully profits while it indoctrinates. They stoke the fire of selfishness and greed by telling women they can and should be able to do what they want with their own bodies, never teaching them that the preborn child is not a part of their body but merely residing in it for nine months.

When people hear the lies over and over, they begin to believe them as truths. And Planned Parenthood literally banks on this.

So if we want to create a world that respects babies, we must start with teaching that respect in our homes, in our workplaces, in our churches, and among our friend group. We cannot back down, we cannot fund or support Planned Parenthood, and we cannot remain silent because if we are truly ever going to change our culture, we must stop giving money to organizations that thrive on tearing it down.

This article first appeared in LifeNews at lifenews.com/2025/03/10/planned-parenthood-abortion-clinics-are-so-bad-they-let-raw-sewage-into-a-patient-room.

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About the author

Susan Ciancio

Susan Ciancio is the editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director and executive editor of the Culture of Life Studies Program.