Fr. Jim Hewes, a 77-year-old senior priest at Saint Mark’s in the Diocese of Rochester, New York...
You Cannot Be Catholic and Pro-Choice
When we read egregious claims by organizations that pervert the teachings of the Catholic faith, we...
Embracing Pro-Life Values through the Example of St. Nicholas
This week, we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. Families around the country remember this great...
Pro-Family Values Create Pro-Life Values
Thanksgiving is upon us, and of course that means that Advent and the Christmas season will soon...
Moral Destitution Leads to a Culture of Death
Pope Francis once wrote that moral destitution “consists in slavery to vice and sin.” Today we see...
Mark Hart’s ‘Biblical Heroes’ a Pro-Life Building Block
As pro-life leaders, educators, and parents, we are always looking for innovative ways to teach our...
Deepen Your Spiritual Life and Combat Evil with the Rosary
For decades, especially through its Marian Blue Wave program, American Life League has...
Suffering Joyfully Is Possible with God
Suffering comes in many forms, and there’s no escaping it. There has never been a single person who...
New Report Highlights the Evils of Medical Assistance in Dying
Those of us who value the life of all human beings understand the dangers of assisted suicide, or...
American Life League’s Alarming Abortion Pill Report Warns of...
Online predators have a new name and practice, and unlike the nefarious online predators of the...