
PRO-LIFE BASICS: I read that breast cancer can be caused by taking the pill and by abortion, but I also read that this is not true. What is the truth?

On April 7, 2015 the American College of Pedia tricians released this statement on breast cancer:

. . . abortion appears to be linked to breast cancer. Although the medical community has been reluctant to acknowledge the link, induced abortion prior to a full term delivery, and prior to 32 weeks of gestation, increases the likelihood that a woman will develop breast cancer.1

This is the most recent expert validation research on the abortion breast cancer link (ABC). Yet abortion proponents—including main stream media—give short shrift to the evidence, preferring instead to protect the profitable practices of abortion and contraception.

Let’s examine the evidence further.

The Breast Cancer Prevention Institute’s fact sheet states: “The longer a woman is pregnant before an induced abortion, the more cancervulnerable . . . lobules she will develop and the higher will be her risk for breast cancer.”2

Joel Brind, PhD, has studied the ABC link for decades, writes:

The first epidemiological study to show a link between induced abortion and breast cancer was published in 1957. In 1996, a research team I headed up published a comprehensive review and metaanalysis of worldwide research on the subject—some 23 studies. Our finding of a statistically significant, 30 percent increase in breast cancer among women who had had an abortion prompted a major, decadeong backlash from many mainstream medical organizations, medical journals, and government publichealth ministries.3

Chris Kahlenborn, MD, of the Polycarp Research Institute, is specific:

Breast cancer is the worldwide leading cancer for women and is the most common cause of cancer death for U.S. women age 20-59. In the U.S. about 175,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually and more than 43,000 women die from this cause. Both induced abortion and oral contraceptive use, especially at a young age, increase a woman’s risk for developing breast cancer.4

The connection is clear. I challenge you to take action!

As prolife Americans, we care about every woman and her right to know the facts about breast cancer. Please share this valuable information with as many as you can—vulnerable adolescents in particular.

Spreading these facts far and wide will be instrumental in ending the real war on women— both born and preborn.

  1. American College of Pediatricians, “Know Your ABCs: The Abortion Breast Cancer Link,” April 7, 2015, ACPeds.org
  2. BreastCancerPreventionInstitute,“InducedAbortionandBreastCancer Risk,” Spring 2014,BCPInstitute.org
  3. Joel Brind, “Abortion and Breast Cancer: The Stubborn Link Returns,” March 10, 2015,NationalReview.com
  4. Chris Kahlenborn, “Breast Cancer, Abortion, and the Pill,”  TheAlexanderHouse.org

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About the author

Judie Brown

Judie Brown is president of American Life League and served 15 years as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.