
People Are Never Expendable

When a lie is repeated often enough, people believe it.

And when kids grow up with that lie, they live it.

For the past 47 years, our country has decreed that killing a preborn baby is not a criminal act. People claim it’s a woman’s “choice.” Organizations like Planned Parenthood even want women to proudly shout that they have made that choice. Indeed, they condemn others who attempt to oppose that choice and protect the innocent baby.

To so many people, life has no meaning and no value. Is it any wonder then that this devaluing of people and this disgust for life translate to children who are born?

So many sickening examples fill our news pages:

  • Eight-year-old Autumn Hallow allegedly died at the hands of her dad and stepmom. According to the medical examiner, Autumn “died of asphyxial injuries and blunt force trauma.” Her tiny, emaciated body had bruises and lacerations. She even had “pin-like marks” on her forehead.
  • Fifteen-month-old Evelyn Boswell’s body was found in March. Her 18-year-old mother was arrested and was just recently indicted on 19 charges that included two for felony murder.
  • Two-year-old Thaddeus Sran’s burned body was found last month, a week after his parents reported him missing. Though both pleaded not guilty, enough evidence existed for authorities to charge his parents with his murder.

The list could go on and on.

What do all these stories have in common? A blatant disregard for human life—for the life of a child who is utterly dependent upon another for care, for sustenance, for shelter, and for love. They involve mostly young parents who have no idea what caring for another means and do not understand the implications of killing another person.

For decades now our society has told people that the lives of preborn babies do not matter, that they’re expendable, and that they can be unwanted and thrown away. Generations of children have grown up with this mentality.

This lack of regard for preborn babies ties directly to the lack of regard for those who are born—no matter what age. We see this in the aforementioned stories. We see this with those who are disabled or sick. We see this with the elderly. People are seen as burdens, not blessings. They’re seen as objects, not gifts.

When will we start seeing all people—born and preborn—as our brothers and sisters in Christ? When will we realize that every single person on this planet, regardless of race, gender, creed, ability, or age, has dignity and deserves respect from the moment he is created?

As a society, we will fail—and fail miserably—if we continue down this path of hatred.

So what must we do? We must love as Christ loved. We must teach this love and live the love He taught us every single day. We must renounce hatred and work in cooperation with others to teach them that they have dignity—and that despite the popular opinion, dignity is inherent and cannot be lost.

In addition, we must teach the truth about the humanity of the preborn baby. The reality of a preborn baby’s existence is not based on a religious notion. It’s science! He exists and is very much alive from the moment he is created! His existence is not an opinion; it’s a fact!

But many people don’t know or understand this reality. Why? They haven’t been taught this reality. And though there are some very vocal pro-lifers out there, many others find these discussions uncomfortable. They are afraid to “rock” the proverbial boat. But rocking the boat is far better than allowing it to sink!

We are our brothers’ keepers. That includes the sick, the elderly, the young, preborn babies, and everyone in between. It must. When we protect them and teach the sanctity of all human beings, we will see fewer and fewer examples of people who abuse and kill their progeny. We will see a growing respect for all people. And we will see a resurgence of love in a nation that so desperately needs it.

Individually, we may not be able to change the world, but we can change our part of it. And if we each do this, then collectively we can and will change our world.



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About the author

Susan Ciancio

Susan Ciancio is the editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and executive editor for the Culture of Life Studies Program.