Now that Donald Trump’s second term as president has begun, we can look forward to a more pro-life...
Author - Susan Ciancio
Strengthen Your Prayer Life with ‘Pocket Guide to Prayer’
The book may be little, but its impact is profound. Pocket Guide to Prayer by Catholic husband-and...
The Trump Administration Must Prioritize Defunding Planned...
President Trump and pro-life legislators have promised to defund Planned Parenthood, and as...
Kroger Commercial Illustrates Compassion for the Elderly
It’s a normal occurrence around the holidays for companies to create commercials that tug on the...
Rosary in a Year Podcast Host Wants You to Fall in Love with the...
Our God is an amazing God—a Father who loves and cares for us more than we could ever fathom. He...
New York Priest a True Inspiration for the Pro-Life Movement
Fr. Jim Hewes, a 77-year-old senior priest at Saint Mark’s in the Diocese of Rochester, New York...
You Cannot Be Catholic and Pro-Choice
When we read egregious claims by organizations that pervert the teachings of the Catholic faith, we...
Embracing Pro-Life Values through the Example of St. Nicholas
This week, we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. Families around the country remember this great...
Pro-Family Values Create Pro-Life Values
Thanksgiving is upon us, and of course that means that Advent and the Christmas season will soon...
Moral Destitution Leads to a Culture of Death
Pope Francis once wrote that moral destitution “consists in slavery to vice and sin.” Today we see...