“Notre Dame our mother, tender, strong, and true.” Thus begins the Notre Dame Alma Mater. It’s a...
Author - Susan Ciancio
Comedian Amy Schumer Makes a Joke of Abortion
As I read article after article about pro-aborts forcing their views on others, bullying...
A Baby’s Heartbeat Is ‘Manufactured’?
As a woman, a mother, and a human being, I am disgusted by the recent remarks of Stacey Abrams...
Don’t Be Fooled, Pro-Lifers Still Have to Fight against Abortion...
“We won! We won!” has been the exuberant call of many pro-life people since the reversal of Roe v...
Eight Lessons We Can Learn from Kirk Cameron’s ‘Lifemark’ Movie
Movies tend to give us an idealized version of life. No matter what happens, the good guy always...
Griffin’s Tweets Threaten Civil War
Kathy Griffin—the female comedian who, in 2017, tweeted a fake picture of Trump’s decapitated...
We Will Never Forget
This weekend will likely be an emotional time for pro-life Americans, as we not only remember the...
Ham4Choice Capitalizes on Success of ‘Hamilton’ to Help Fund...
Like thousands of theatre fans across the country and world, I have seen Hamilton in person and...
All Are Worthy of Redemption
I’ve been thinking a lot about redemption this week. My son and I watched the series finale of...
Pro-Abortion Group Creates Document Outlining ‘Worst...
Below is Part II in this two-part series addressing a document written by the pro-abortion group...